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发布时间:2024-02-23 来源:http://www.hmbwcl.cn/


(1) Construction preparation

1.物资准备:本工程采用憎水岩棉板,规格、厚度、容重符合图纸设计要   求,根据进场时间要求,按约定的材料、型号进行订购,按工程进度分批进场,并向甲方、监理方提供材料的合格证、质保书及其检验资料。

1. Material preparation: This project adopts hydrophobic rock wool board, with specifications, thickness, and bulk density meeting the design requirements of the drawings. According to the requirements of the entry time, orders will be made according to the agreed material brands and models. The materials will be delivered in batches according to the project progress, and the quality certificate, warranty certificate, and inspection data of the materials will be provided to Party A and the supervision party.

2.主要施工设备及施工工具:吊篮或脚手架、砂浆搅拌机、手提式电动搅 拌器、切割工具、角磨机、常用抹灰工具及抹灰的检测工具、冲击钻、电锤、手锤、经纬仪及放线工具、自动安平标注仪、塑料软管、螺丝刀、美工刀、拉线、弹线墨盒、2m靠尺、塞尺、钢尺等。

2. Main construction equipment and tools: hanging baskets or scaffolding, mortar mixers, handheld electric mixers, cutting tools, angle grinders, commonly used plastering tools and plastering detection tools, impact drills, electric hammers, hand hammers, theodolites and pay-off tools, automatic leveling markers, plastic hoses, screwdrivers, art knives, pull wires, marking ink boxes, 2m rulers, feeler gauges, steel rulers, etc.


(2) Construction conditions


The temperature of the construction environment, substrate, and materials used should not be lower than 5 ℃.


2.不应在大风或烈日曝晒下施工,以避免材料在施工过程中失水过快而出现毛细裂缝。 3.注意天气变化,在材料尚未硬化时避免雨水冲刷。

2. Construction should not be carried out under strong winds or scorching sun to avoid capillary cracks caused by rapid water loss during the construction process. 3. Pay attention to weather changes and avoid rainwater erosion before the materials have hardened.

3.对建筑物的基本要求:  1)墙体的湿度不应高于其与环境的平衡湿度。 2)墙体表面不得有污迹、灰尘、油污等。  3)墙体应具有足够的强度,墙体表面具有足够的附着力(≥0.3N/m㎡)无开裂空鼓。  4)墙面的平整度,垂直度应达到《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50204-2002)和《砌体工程施工质量验收规范》(GB20203-2002)的要求。  5)孔洞开凿准确齐全避免保温施工后再进行。外保温工程施工前,外门窗洞口应通过验收,洞口尺寸、位置应符合设计要求和质量要求,门窗框或辅框应安装完毕。外墙面上的雨水管卡、预埋铁件、设备穿墙管道等应提前安装完毕,上述部位及窗口应预留出保温层的厚度。 6)设计及其它施工预先考虑到外保温体系施工所需厚度及施工后所带来的外观变化。

3. Basic requirements for buildings: 1) The humidity of the wall should not exceed its equilibrium humidity with the environment. 2) The surface of the wall must not have stains, dust, oil stains, etc. 3) The wall should have sufficient strength, and the surface of the wall should have sufficient adhesion (≥ 0.3N/m ²) without cracking or hollowing. 4) The flatness and verticality of the wall should meet the requirements of the "Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Concrete Structures" (GB50204-2002) and the "Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Masonry Engineering" (GB20203-2002). 5) Accurate and complete drilling of holes should be avoided before insulation construction. Before the construction of external insulation engineering, the openings of external doors and windows should pass the acceptance inspection, and the size and position of the openings should meet the design requirements and quality requirements. The door and window frames or auxiliary frames should be installed completely. The rainwater pipe clamps, embedded iron parts, and equipment through wall pipes on the outer wall should be installed in advance, and the thickness of the insulation layer should be reserved for the above parts and windows. 6) Design and other construction should take into account the thickness required for the construction of the external insulation system and the appearance changes that may occur after construction.


(3) Construction technology

1.基层墙体处理应符合下列要求:  1) 基层表面应清洁,无油污、蜡、脱模剂、涂料、风化物、污垢、霜、泥土等其他妨碍粘结的材料。  2) 基层应坚实平整,表面平整度允许偏差4mm。局部凸起、空鼓、疏松和有妨碍粘结的污染物应剔除,

1. The treatment of the grassroots wall should meet the following requirements: 1) The surface of the grassroots should be clean, free of oil stains, wax, release agents, coatings, weathered substances, dirt, frost, soil and other materials that hinder bonding. 2) The base layer should be solid and flat, with a permissible deviation of 4mm in surface flatness. Local protrusions, hollowing, looseness, and pollutants that hinder bonding should be removed,

2.胶粘剂、抹面胶浆的配制:  1) 应严格按供应商提供的配比和制作工艺在现场进行。  2)胶粘剂或抹面胶浆干粉料直接加入适量水中,用电动搅拌器搅拌均匀,达到工程所需的粘稠度。  3) 每次配制不得过多,视不同环境温度条件控制在2h内或按产品说明书中规定的时间内用完。

2. The preparation of adhesive and plaster slurry: 1) It should be strictly carried out on site according to the ratio and production process provided by the supplier. 2) Directly add an appropriate amount of adhesive or plastering adhesive dry powder into water, stir evenly with an electric mixer, and achieve the required viscosity for the project. 3) Each preparation should not be excessive, and should be controlled within 2 hours depending on different environmental temperature conditions or used within the time specified in the product manual.

3.粘贴岩棉板要求:  1)粘贴岩棉板前,应检查岩棉板是否干燥,表面是否平整、整洁;潮湿、表面不平整、有污染的岩棉板不得用于工程。屋面保温层是建筑物的关键组成部分,能够有效地隔热、保温和防水。岩棉板作为一种的保温材料,具有重量轻、保温效果好、防火性能强、吸音降噪等特点,广泛应用于建筑屋面保温层。

3. Requirements for pasting rock wool board: 1) Before pasting rock wool board, first check whether the rock wool board is dry, and whether the surface is flat and tidy; Wet, uneven surface, and contaminated rock wool boards shall not be used in engineering. The roof insulation layer is a key component of a building, which can effectively insulate, insulate, and waterproof. Rock wool board, as a high-quality insulation material, has the characteristics of light weight, good insulation effect, strong fire resistance, sound absorption and noise reduction, and is widely used in the insulation layer of building roofs.


This article is dedicated to the friendship of Huamei exterior wall rock wool board. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.hmbwcl.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned
