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发布时间:2022-09-26 来源:http://www.hmbwcl.cn/

Rubber and plastic thermal insulation materials have good thermal insulation, sound absorption and noise reduction properties, and are widely used in construction, petrochemical, refrigeration and other fields. Because of its special application field, many people will care about how long rubber and plastic insulation materials can be used? What factors are related to its service life? Will the later maintenance and replacement be troublesome? Today, Huamei rubber and plastic insulation knitwear will explain to you one by one.
If you want to know how long the rubber and plastic insulation materials can be used, you should first know what factors are related to their service life.
1. Environment.
The appropriate operating temperature of Class B1 rubber plastic plate is specified in the user manual. If the temperature is like this, 8 years and 10 years are almost no problem. Therefore, when selecting rubber and plastic insulation materials, we must pay attention to the temperature of the environment, and select the appropriate density and thickness to achieve good insulation effect, and at the same time, to maximize its effectiveness.
2. Humidity
In the environment with high humidity, it is likely to have adverse effects on raw materials and shorten product life.
Of course, whether the general surface of rubber and plastic insulation materials is attached with a protective layer, and the quality of the protective layer will also have an impact on the service life of rubber and plastic. Moreover, the construction quality also has an impact on the use of rubber and plastic.
It is no problem to choose the high-quality B1 rubber and plastic board when it is usually stored in a clean environment and at an appropriate temperature, and it can be used for 10 years and 8 years. Here, I want to remind you that rubber and plastic boards cannot be placed in a damp environment, which will greatly damage their performance and life.
As for the maintenance of rubber and plastic in the later period, the daily thermal insulation maintenance of rubber and plastic is very simple, and basically does not need maintenance. Even if there are problems in the later period, maintenance is also very simple and convenient. Specific details will come to our website http://www.hmbwcl.cn Consult!
